UAS Research

Department of Remote Sensing – University of Würzburg

Earth Observation

Our UAS Applications and Research

Our UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems, UAV or drones) research focuses on the added value for space borne Earth Observation. UAS derived imagery are used for contributing to a better environmental understanding.

We apply UAS for specific research areas such as mandatory extremely high spatial resolution imagery e.g. mapping of flowers or for improving space-borne satellite imagery such as very high surface roughness information.

UAS based Earth Observation

UAVs allow very detailed information about our study area – not only spatial and thematic but also spectral and vertical resolution. Such very detailed analysis are valuable for small scale study areas to derived spatially explicit landscape information

UAS Sensitivity Analysis

we apply UAS data acquisitions for various applications and using diverse payloads such as thermal, Lidar or multispectral sensors.

urban applications

UAS data in urban research is applied for mapping damages, small scale vertial structure analysis or ….

Various UAS-based sensors


The UAS based thermal sensor allows to map small scale thermal patterns and differentiate different surface properties.


The 5 band red-egde sensor and the 10-band Sentinel-2 equivalent sensor allows to compute a variety of indices such as for vegetation conditions


The active Lidar sensor derives the vertical structure such as height of landscape features as well as the vegetation density.

UAS based remote sensing

Our Earth Observation research within UAS applications covers the whole range of mission planning, data acquisition, data pre-processing and especially the added value for specific applications and its data analysis

Lidar UAS remote sensing

Lidar UAS image acquistion allows to derive vertical information about e.g. forest structure.

UAS Potentials (Lidar)


Digital Surface Model (DSM)

Information of the surface elevation (incl. vegetation)

Digital Elevation Model (DEM)

Information of the surface elevatoin (without vegetation)

Canopy Height Model

Information of height of vegetation above soil level.

Vertical Vegetation Analysis


Mavic Pro/Air


RGB images, Digital Elevation Model


mid range

RGB images, orthophotos


heavy weight

multispectral, red edge, thermal


heavy weight

10-band multispectral, Lidar


heavy weight

5-band multispectral, thermal, Lidar

VTOL Wingtra

high airtime

5-band multispectral, thermal, high res. RGB

All our UAS operators are EU-certified Pilots

§ 21a Abs. 4 Satz 3 Nr. 2 Luftverkehrs-Ordnung

Various staff members of our Department of Remote Sensing and many student helpers hold the UAS piloting license and conduct field work with various UAS/UAV systems.

Earth Observation at the Department of Remote Sensing -Univ. Würzburg

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Contact us

Approach us concerning collaboration for UAV based remote sensing research


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